Monday, March 3, 2008

What to do with your debt?

Well, My answer to the question above is Debt Management.

I always have a rule. I spend my real money not my credit. The only case I use my credit is when I am sure I am investing on something which pays me back the debt as well as some profit. This profit can be money or a new opportunity. But it's never just some stuff that I can live without. I may buy a car with my credit but that is only in the case that the car helps me to go to work and earn more money than I spent on it. So I always avoid debt.

But question is what to do when you have a lot of debt. You may see some people encountering bankruptcy. That means they can not afford their debt any more. That has never happened to me. But whenever I am close to a situation in which I may need to borrow some money, I start thinking about new possible ways of making money. That is true. If you stop thinking about the new places you can borrow money from and start thinking about new sources of income instead, you will never have to borrow any money. It may look difficult, however it always works for me.

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