Sunday, February 24, 2008

Goji juice market and many questions.

When I was writing the last post, I noticed the fact that there are so many websites out there about Goji that seems ridiculous. Since that time I was looking for the reason and now everything is clear to me. I found this interesting TV show from CBC which clearly explains the reason. Goji juice is being sold in Canada for $50 a bottle. It's not a product you can find in every grocery stores, but apparently it's being distributed through the famous pyramid marketing and word of mouth. So if you sell it you get commission and if the person who bought it from you sells it to somebody else you get smaller commissions again and that person receives his commission also.

The person behind all this story claims some fact about the Goji juice which is not proven scientifically yet. Even if the fruit might have some nice properties, that doesn't mean the juice keeps those properties too. There is also some doubt about the degree of this person.

Here is a comment by a person for that CBC show which got my attention: "I know someone who started taking the [Goji] berries last summer. He has convinced everyone he knows that they are the most amazing berry every known to man. I mentioned that I've searched the internet for studies on the berries and couldn't find any real studies. He said 'oh, yeah, there are tons of studies'. All I could find were 'studies' published by the people who are selling these outrageously expensive berries. Some of the claims he has made to me: - weight loss - 200% boost to sex drive - more energy - liver cleanse - better eyesight - 25,000 times more antioxidants than in a blueberry(!) - very high in fiber - many more He has his children taking them, which bothers me because they aren't making an informed choice in what they are eating / drinking".

Well, I myself never claim any health fact. In fact, these guys are claiming something not proven and that is just to fill their pockets. I liked the show and I recommend watching it to anybody who likes to know about a product before buying it, specially when that is something related to health and lifestyle.

1 comment:

Gojiberries said...

Nice Blog, Thanks for sharing great information about Goji Berry Juice. Blog information is really very helpful for us. Himalayan Goji Berries also has the ability to improve your digestive system. This in turn helps to keep your cholesterol levels low.