Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My first experience of "Making Money Online"

When you are a student it happens that you are in need of some extra cash. You may just want to save it, or you may want to have some fun. I had that feeling since long time ago, however, as I had the experience of working as a pizza delivery guy, I knew how hard the fast food kind of works are. I was also too busy with my studies and I only had a couple extra hours each day to work. So it came to my mind that how can I make money on internet when I am at home. Well, blogging has been one of my successful tries. That is right, you can get paid to blog.

I heard about payperpost few months ago when I was reading a post in a money making blog. When you start a new business you want to know whether it will work or not. Making money online is not an exception. It is always hard to make the first dollar and after that by repeating the same process you can make the second , the third, etc. I should say that if you are really interested in making money online then you should start with a blog and just after one month by having at least ten posts you can submit your blog and if it gets approved you can make money by writing about products and services.

The first thing I am going to do with my first internet income is to buy a TV for myself! I think I will enjoy that! I will write about my other online money making experiences later.

1 comment:

ARORA`S said...

Your blog is awesome!!